Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
Ada Twist's Big Project Book for Stellar Scientists - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Paperback) 03-04-2018
Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Hardback) 02-10-2018
Rosie Revere, Engineer - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Hardback) 03-09-2013 Commended for Parents Choice Awards (Fall) (2008-Up) (Picture Book) 2013. Short-listed for Flicker Tale Children's Book Award (Picture Book) 2016.
Sofia Valdez, Future Prez - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Hardback) 05-11-2019
The Questioneers Aaron Slater, Illustrator - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Hardback) 09-12-2021
The Questioneers Iggy Peck and the Mysterious Mansion - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Hardback) 12-05-2020
The Questioneers Sofia Valdez and the Vanishing Vote - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Hardback) 06-10-2020
The Questioneers Sofia Valdez's Big Project Book for Awesome Activists - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Paperback) 13-05-2021