Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
Into The Tangled Bank: Discover the Quirks, Habits and Foibles of How We Experience Nature - Lev Parikian (Paperback) 03-06-2021 Long-listed for Wainwright Prize for Nature Writing 2021 (UK).
Light Rains Sometimes Fall: A British Year in Japan's 72 Seasons - Lev Parikian (Hardback) 16-09-2021
Light Rains Sometimes Fall: A British Year in Japan's 72 Seasons - Lev Parikian (Paperback) 19-05-2022
Taking Flight: How Animals Learned to Fly and Transformed Life on Earth - Lev Parikian (Paperback) 16-05-2024 Short-listed for THE ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE 2023 (UK).
Taking Flight: The Evolutionary Story of Life on the Wing - Lev Parikian (Hardback) 04-05-2023 Short-listed for THE ROYAL SOCIETY SCIENCE BOOK PRIZE 2023 2023 (UK).