Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
After Dark - Haruki Murakami (Paperback) 05-06-2008
Elmer Picture Books Elmer and the Lost Teddy - David McKee (Paperback) 05-06-2008
For You - Ian McEwan (Paperback) 05-06-2008
If You Liked School, You'll Love Work - Irvine Welsh (Paperback) 05-06-2008
Kiss - Jacqueline Wilson; Nick Sharratt (Paperback) 05-06-2008 Short-listed for British Book Awards: WH Smith Children's Book of the Year Award 2008.
Mission Survival Mission Survival 1: Gold of the Gods - Bear Grylls (Paperback) 05-06-2008
Myths Where Three Roads Meet - Salley Vickers (Paperback) 05-06-2008 Long-listed for International IMPAC DUBLIN Literary Award 2009 (Ireland).
The Modern Machiavellian Robert Greene The Concise 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene (Paperback) 05-06-2008