Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
A Harriet & Matthew Rowsley mystery Legacy of Death - Judith Cutler (Paperback) 30-06-2021
A Last Ditch mystery Scot on the Rocks - Catriona McPherson (Paperback) 30-06-2021
An Angela Richman, Death Investigator mystery Death Grip - Elaine Viets (Paperback) 30-06-2021
An Inspector Chen mystery Becoming Inspector Chen - Xiaolong Qiu (Paperback) 30-06-2021
Cry Darkness - Hilary Bonner (Paperback) 30-06-2021
Princetown and the Conscientious Objectors of WW1 - Pip Barker (Paperback) 30-06-2021
Sticky Teaching and Learning: How to make your students remember what you teach them - Caroline Bentley Davies (Paperback) 30-06-2021
The Entangled Activist: Learning to Recognise the Master's Tools - Anthea Lawson (Paperback) 30-06-2021
The Others - Mark Brandi (Paperback) 30-06-2021
The Quake Cities - Mark Wheaton (Paperback) 30-06-2021
The Westminster Alice - Saki; F. Carruthers Gould (Paperback) 30-06-2021