Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
Awaken to Healing Fragrance: The Power of Essential Oil Therapy - Elizabeth Anne Jones; Candace Pert (Paperback) 13-04-2010
Healing with the Chakra Energy System: Acupressure, Bodywork, and Reflexology for Total Health - John R. Cross; Robert Charman (Paperback) 25-10-2006
Journey of Your Soul: A Channel Explores the Michael Teachings - Shepherd Hoodwin; Jon Klimo; John Friedlander (Paperback) 23-04-2013
The Secret Nature of Matter - Richard Gordon (Paperback) 06-06-2017
The Tao of Trauma: A Practitioner's Guide for Integrating Five Element Theory and Trauma Treatment - Alaine D. Duncan; Kathy L. Kain (Paperback) 08-01-2019