Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
Amarna: A Guide to the Ancient City of Akhetaten - Anna Stevens (Hardback) 01-01-2021
An Artist in Abydos: The Life and Letters of Myrtle Broome - Lee Young; Peter Lacovara (Hardback) 01-01-2021
Bilhana: Wholefood Recipes from Egypt, Lebanon, and Morocco - Yasmine Elgharably; Shewekar Elgharably; Yehia El-Alaily; Yehia El-Alaily (Hardback) 01-04-2021
Bounded Knowledge: Doctoral Studies in Egypt - Daniele Cantini (Hardback) 10-04-2021
Cairo Inside Out: Expanded Edition - Trevor Naylor; Doriana Dimitrova; Doriana Dimitrova (Paperback) 25-10-2019
Constructions of Masculinity in the Middle East and North Africa: Literature, Film, and National Discourse - Mohja Kahf; Nadine Sinno (Hardback) 15-03-2021
Creating Spaces of Hope: Young Artists and the New Imagination in Egypt - Caroline Seymour-Jorn (Hardback) 15-02-2021
Egypt Inside Out - Trevor Naylor; Doriana Dimitrova; Doriana Dimitrova (Hardback) 05-01-2020
Hoopoe Fiction A Recipe for Daphne - Nektaria Anastasiadou (Paperback) 10-01-2021
Maadi: The Making and Unmaking of a Cairo Suburb, 1878-1962 - Annalise J K DeVries (Hardback) 26-02-2021
Making Film in Egypt: How Labor, Technology, and Mediation Shape the Industry - Chihab El Khachab (Hardback) 12-02-2021
Modern Arabic Literature The Coffeehouse - Naguib Mahfouz; Raymond Stock (Paperback) 15-04-2021
Rooted in the Body: Arabic Metaphor and Morphology - Lisa J. White; Mahmoud Shaltout (Hardback) 01-01-2021
The Architecture of Ramses Wissa Wassef - Conchita Anorve-Tschirgi; Ehsan Abushadi; Nour El Refai; Nour El Refai (Hardback) 15-02-2021
The Medicine of the Ancient Egyptians 2: Internal Medicine - Dr Eugen Strouhal (Hardback) 05-02-2021
The Muslim Brothers in Society: Everyday Politics, Social Action, and Islamism in Mubarak's Egypt - Marie Vannetzel; David Treslilian; David Treslilian (Hardback) 01-01-2021
The National Imaginarium: A History of Egyptian Filmmaking - Magdy Mounir El-Shammaa (Hardback) 01-02-2021
The Political Economy of Reforms in Egypt: Issues and Policymaking since 1952 - Khalid Ikram (Paperback) 01-06-2021
The Precinct of Mut at South Karnak: An Archaeological Guide - Betsy M. Bryan (Paperback) 15-02-2021
The Tomb Chapel of Menna (TT 69): The Art, Culture, and Science of Painting in an Egyptian Tomb - Melinda Hartwig (Paperback) 01-01-2021
Yalla!: Let's Learn Egyptian Colloquial Arabic Verbs - Dina El Dik; Emad Iskander (Paperback) 01-01-2021