Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
A Weather Weaver Adventure The Weather Weaver: A Weather Weaver Adventure #1 - Tamsin Mori (Paperback) 04-03-2021
Fall Out - C. G. Moore (Paperback) 04-06-2020
Finney's Story - Alana Washington; Charlotte Caswell (Paperback) 04-03-2021
Gracie Fairshaw and the Mysterious Guest - Susan Brownrigg; Jenny Czerwonka (Paperback) 02-07-2020
Gracie Fairshaw and The Trouble at the Tower - Susan Brownrigg (Paperback) 07-10-2021
Gut Feelings - C. G. Moore (Paperback) 14-01-2021
How To Be More Hedgehog - Anne-Marie Conway (Paperback) 01-09-2022
Impervious - A.J. Hartley (Paperback) 02-07-2020
Kintana and the Captain's Curse - Susan Brownrigg; Jenny Czerwonka (Paperback) 01-07-2021
Legend of the Sky 2 Rise of the Shadow Dragons - Liz Flanagan (Paperback) 04-01-2024
Legends of the Sky Dragon Daughter: Legends of the Sky #1 - Liz Flanagan (Paperback) 02-11-2023
Legends of the Sky The Pirate's Dragon: Legends of the Sky #3 - Liz Flanagan (Paperback) 15-02-2024
Meet Matilda Rocket Builder - Dom Conlon; Heidi Cannon (Paperback) 03-06-2021
Mina and the Undead - Amy McCaw (Paperback) 01-04-2021
Pirate Academy Missing at Sea: Pirate Academy #2 - Justin Somper; Teo Skaffa (Paperback) 01-07-2024
Pirate Academy New Kid On Deck: Pirate Academy #1 - Justin Somper; Teo Skaffa (Paperback) 07-03-2024
Raising Hell - Bryony Pearce (Paperback) 03-06-2021
Shark Super Powers - Jillian Morris; Duncan Brake; Steve May (Paperback) 04-06-2020
Smashed - Andy Robb (Paperback) 04-02-2021
The Bear and Her Book - Frances Tosdevin; Sophia O'Connor (Paperback) 07-10-2021
The Book of Secrets - Philip Caveney (Paperback) 02-04-2020
The Haunting of Lindy Pennyworth - Sam Pope (Paperback) 07-10-2021
The Light Hunters - Dan Walker, Jr. (Paperback) 23-01-2020
The Plesiosaur's Neck - Jonathan Emmett; Dr Adam S. Smith; Adam Larkum (Paperback) 06-05-2021