Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
Chinese Shamanic Tiger Qigong: Embrace the Power of Emptiness - Zhongxian Wu; Master Zhongxian Wu (Paperback) 21-08-2019
Clinical Handbook of Chinese Herbs: Desk Reference, - Will Maclean (Paperback) 21-02-2017
Daoist Nei Gong The Four Dragons: Clearing the Meridians and Awakening the Spine in Nei Gong - Damo Mitchell; Ole Saether (Paperback) 21-08-2014
Fire Dragon Meridian Qigong: Essential NeiGong for Health and Spiritual Transformation - Karin Taylor Taylor Wu; Zhongxian Wu (Paperback) 15-07-2012
Healing Stones for the Vital Organs: 83 Crystals with Traditional Chinese Medicine - Michael Gienger; Wolfgang Maier (Paperback) 26-05-2009
Life Pulse Massage: Taoist Techniques for Enhanced Circulation and Detoxification - Mantak Chia; Aisha Sieburth (Paperback) 27-08-2015
The Book of Tapping: Emotional Acupressure with EFT - Sophie Merle (Paperback) 04-05-2017
The Five-Element Solution: Discover the Spiritual Side of Chinese Medicine to Release Stress, Clear Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life - Jean Haner (Paperback) 16-06-2020
The Little Book of Chinese Therapies - Angela Mogridge (Hardback) 24-12-2020
The Yellow Monkey Emperor's Classic of Chinese Medicine - Spencer Hill; Damo Mitchell; Spencer Hill (Paperback) 18-08-2016 Winner of Living Now Book Award 2017.