Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
The Body Heals Itself: How Deeper Awareness of Your Muscles and Their Emotional Connection Can Help You Heal - Emily A. Francis (Paperback) 08-01-2018
The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma - Bessel van der Kolk (Paperback) 24-09-2015
The Book of Lymph: Self-care Lymphatic Massage to Enhance Immunity, Health and Beauty - Lisa Levitt Gainsley (Paperback) 04-05-2021
The Healing Code: 6 minutes to heal the source of your health, success or relationship issue - Alex Loyd; Ben Johnson (Paperback) 28-12-2017
The Healing Power Of EFT and Energy Psychology: Tap into your body's energy to change your life for the better - Donna Eden; David Feinstein; Gary Craig (Paperback) 02-12-2010
The Hidden Messages in Water - Masaru Emoto (Paperback) 05-12-2005
The Humming Effect: Sound Healing for Health and Happiness - Jonathan Goldman; Andi Goldman; John Beaulieu (Paperback) 27-07-2017
The Little Book of Detox - Sonia Jones (Hardback) 28-10-2021
The Little Book of Energy Medicine: The secrets of enhancing your health and energy - Donna Eden; Dondi Dahlin (Paperback) 27-12-2012
The Little Pocket Book of Crystal Chakra Healing: Energy Medicine for Mind, Body, and Spirit - Philip Permutt (Paperback) 11-02-2016
The Medicine Within: 13 Moons of Indigenous Wisdom, Ancestral Connection and Animal Spirit Guidance - Asha Frost (Paperback) 26-04-2022
The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, Psi Abilities, and Ancestral Healing - Peter Mark Adams (Paperback) 03-03-2022
The Psychic Psychologist: Heal Your Past, Find Peace in the Present, Transform Your Future - Amanda Charles (Paperback) 20-02-2024
The Secrets of Spiritual Healing: A Beginner's Guide to Energy Therapies - Elsie Wild (Paperback) 13-05-2021
The Workings of Energy in the Human Energy Field: A Psychic's Perspective - Zorica Gojkovic Phd (Paperback) 23-06-2017
Transform Your Beliefs, Transform Your Life: EFT Tapping Using Matrix Reimprinting - Karl Dawson; Kate Marillat (Paperback) 01-09-2014
Working with Death and Loss in Shiatsu Practice: A Guide to Holistic Bodywork in Palliative Care - Tamsin Grainger; Richard Reoch (Paperback) 21-08-2020
Yoga Nidra Made Easy: Deep Relaxation Practices to Improve Sleep, Relieve Stress and Boost Energy and Creativity - Uma Dinsmore-Tuli; Nirlipta Tuli (Paperback) 28-06-2022
Yoga Saved My Life - Sasha Bates (Hardback) 09-06-2022
Yoga Therapy for Insomnia and Sleep Recovery: An Integrated Approach to Supporting Healthy Sleep and Sustaining Energy All Day - Lisa Sanfilippo (Paperback) 21-01-2019