Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
Collins Complete DIY Manual - Albert Jackson; David Day (Hardback) 31-03-2011
DIY with Jay - Jay Blades (Hardback) 15-09-2022
Shed Manual - John Coupe (Hardback) 11-04-2019
The Book of Shed: Create your perfect garden room with the host of 'Your Garden Made Perfect' and 'The Great Garden Revolution' - Joel Bird (Hardback) 21-09-2017
The Nautical Home: Beach-Themed Ideas to Decorate with Seaside Spirit - Anna OErnberg; Gun Penhoat (Paperback) 30-09-2021
The Repair Shop: A Make Do and Mend Handbook - Karen Farrington; Jay Blades (Hardback) 25-07-2019
The Tool Book: A Tool-Lover's Guide to Over 200 Hand Tools - Phil Davy; Nick Offerman; Alex Rosa; Jo Behari; Matthew Jackson; Luke Edwardes-Evans (Hardback) 03-05-2018