Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Clever, Curious, Caring Cat: 101 Tales of Feline Friendship - Amy Newmark (Paperback) 25-11-2021
Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Hilarious, Heroic, Human Dog: 101 Tales of Canine Companionship - Amy Newmark (Paperback) 11-11-2021
Connecting with Our Pets in Heaven: Interpret Signs from Animals in the Afterlife, Cope with Grief, and Heal - Desha Utsick (Hardback) 26-05-2022
Jin Shin for Cats and Dogs: Healing Touch for Your Animal Companions - Tina Stumpfig (Paperback) 13-10-2022
Keira & Me: A tale of two best friends and how they saved each other, from the bestselling Supervet - Professor Noel Fitzpatrick; Laura McKendry (Hardback) 26-10-2023
Lonely Planet Kids Atlas of Dogs - Lonely Planet Kids (Hardback) 09-09-2022
The Animal's Companion: People and their Pets, a 26,000-Year Love Story - Jacky Colliss Harvey (Paperback) 06-02-2020
The Natural Dog: A New Approach to Achieving a Happy, Healthy Hound - Gwen Bailey (Hardback) 01-07-2021