Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
Isadora Moon Under the Sea - Harriet Muncaster (Paperback) 01-06-2023
It's a No-Money Day AR: 2.2 - Kate Milner; Kate Milner (Paperback) 01-08-2019 Long-listed for Brosely Book Awards 2020.
It's Not the End of the World - Judy Blume (Paperback) 19-05-2016
Jack's Secret Summer Jack's Secret World - Jack Ryder; Alice McKinley (Paperback) 08-07-2021
Jacky Ha-Ha Series Jacky Ha-Ha: My Life is a Joke: (Jacky Ha-Ha 2) - James Patterson (Paperback) 22-03-2018
Jake's Tower - Elizabeth Laird (Paperback) 09-02-2017 Short-listed for The CILIP Carnegie Medal 2001 (UK).
Julia and the Shark - Kiran Millwood Hargrave; Tom de Freston (Paperback) 17-03-2022
Keep Dancing, Lizzie Chu - Maisie Chan (Paperback) 09-06-2022
Kiss the Dust - Elizabeth Laird (Paperback) 13-07-2017
Know My Place AR: 3.8 - Eve Ainsworth; Helen Crawford-White (Paperback) 01-07-2021
Leila and the Blue Fox - Kiran Millwood Hargrave; Tom de Freston (Paperback) 26-10-2023
Lion on the Loose AR: 2.2 - C. L. Tompsett; Alan Marks (Paperback) 03-02-2022
Listen, Layla - Yassmin Abdel-Magied (Paperback) 22-07-2021
Little Bang - Kelly McCaughrain (Paperback) 04-01-2024
Little Horror - Daniel Peak (Paperback) 30-09-2021
Little Lion Girl - Olivia Hope; Fiona Woodcock (Paperback) 20-06-2024
Llama on a Mission - Annabelle Sami; Allen Fatimaharan (Paperback) 29-04-2021
Llama on Holiday - Annabelle Sami (Paperback) 17-02-2022
Lolo Stories Here Comes Lolo - Niki Daly (Paperback) 08-08-2019
Lolo Stories You're a Star, Lolo - Niki Daly (Paperback) 06-08-2020
Long Way Down - Jason Reynolds; Chris Priestley (Paperback) 02-08-2018
Loud! - Rose Robbins; Rose Robbins (Hardback) 04-03-2021
Love Frankie - Jacqueline Wilson; Nick Sharratt (Paperback) 29-04-2021
Luna Rae is Not Alone - Hayley Webster (Paperback) 04-02-2021