Please note that orders will likely arrive after Christmas. Merry Christmsa everyone! More great books coming in 2025.
The Queen Collection The Queen's Lift-Off - Steve Antony (Paperback) 07-03-2019
The Questioneers Iggy Peck and the Mysterious Mansion - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Hardback) 12-05-2020
The Questioneers Sofia Valdez and the Vanishing Vote - Andrea Beaty; David Roberts (Hardback) 06-10-2020
The Rabbit Listened - Cori Doerrfeld; Cori Doerrfeld (Paperback) 04-06-2020 Runner-up for Teach Early Years Award 2019.
The Rabbit, the Dark and the Biscuit Tin - Nicola O'Byrne (Paperback) 05-09-2019
The Red Dread - Tom Morgan-Jones; Tom Morgan-Jones (Paperback) 01-02-2018 Long-listed for Klaus Flugge Prize 2019.
The Red Prince - Charlie Roscoe; Tom Clohosy-Cole (Paperback) 01-09-2015
The Repair Shop The Repair Shop Stories: The Christmas Doll - Amy Sparkes; Katie Hickey (Hardback) 20-10-2022
The Rescue of Bunny Wunny - Emma Chichester Clark (Paperback) 02-04-2020
The Rhyming Rabbit - Julia Donaldson; Lydia Monks (Board book) 04-04-2019
The Rhyming Rabbit - Julia Donaldson; Lydia Monks (Paperback) 22-03-2018
The Rock from the Sky - Jon Klassen; Jon Klassen (Hardback) 13-04-2021
The Rock from the Sky - Jon Klassen; Jon Klassen (Paperback) 01-09-2022
The Rough Patch - Brian Lies; Brian Lies (Hardback) 04-10-2018 Commended for Caldecott Medal 2019.
The Royal Leap-Frog - Peter Bently; Claire Powell (Paperback) 14-04-2022
The Same But Different Too - Karl Newson; Kate Hindley (Paperback) 02-05-2019
The Scarecrows' Wedding - Julia Donaldson; Axel Scheffler (Board book) 06-10-2016
The Scarecrows' Wedding - Julia Donaldson; Axel Scheffler (Paperback) 04-08-2016
The Scarecrows' Wedding - Julia Donaldson; Axel Scheffler (Paperback) 07-07-2016
The Sea Saw - Tom Percival (Paperback) 10-01-2019
The Sea Tiger - Victoria Turnbull; Victoria Turnbull (Paperback) 01-06-2014 Short-listed for Waterstones Children's Book Prize: Best Illustrated Book 2015.
The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish - Chloe Savage; Chloe Savage (Paperback) 05-10-2023 Short-listed for English 4-11 Book Awards Leicester 2023 (UK).
The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett; Adelina Lirius (Paperback) 05-03-2020
The Secret of Black Rock - Joe Todd-Stanton (Paperback) 01-03-2018