11+ Practice Papers for CEM, Ages 10-11 - Schofield & Sims; Rebecca Brant; Sian Goodspeed (Wallet or folder) 14-08-2019
The Practice Papers for CEM provide realistic test practice for children preparing to sit 11+ exams set by CEM (Durham University). Designed to replicate the content and format of CEM papers as closely as possible, they help children to develop essential exam techniques while also building confidence and stamina. Ideal for use in the final stages of a child's 11+ journey, the pack contains two full sets of CEM-style papers. In each paper, children are tested on their abilities in verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning. The papers are divided into short, timed sections, and children mark their answers on separate multiple-choice answer sheets to replicate test conditions. Key features include two full sets of realistic CEM-style test papers written by experienced 11+ tutors; a booklet containing multiple-choice answer sheets; and a detailed answer booklet with full explanations and notes for parents.