GCSE 9-1 Great Answers A Christmas Carol - Cindy Torn (Paperback) 03-12-2020
Board: AQA Examination: English Language & Literature Specification: GCSE 9-1 Set Text covered: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Type: Essay Planner This book answers the question 'What do great answers look like?' with step-by-step essay plans to help achieve higher grades in the closed book AQA English Literature examination. An essential pick-up-and-check reference resource with hints and tips to plan and structure your 'great answers'. Exemplar answers to AQA English exam-style questions for A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Presented in a clear, attractive style, this title will help students to see how a great answer meets the required Assessment Objectives and to perfect their own technique. Practice questions to apply your learning Easy-to-read Matched to the A Christmas Carol study guide - can be used together or separately Scholastic have a full suite of revision guide, study guide, app, student book, revision cards and essay planners - the most comprehensive support for GCSE set texts available!