New KS2 Maths SAT Buster 10-Minute Tests - Book 1 (for the 2022 tests) - CGP Books; CGP Books (Paperback) 05-12-2014
This book of SAT Buster 10-Minute tests is a brilliant way to introduce KS2 Maths SATS preparation in bite-sized chunks! Each set of quick tests covers a mixture of maths topics, with questions in the style of the real SATS. Answers are included, along with a handy progress chart to help work out which level children are working at. What's more, we've even thrown in some fun educational puzzle pages to break up all that hard graft. CGP 10-Minute Tests books are also available for Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling (9781782942382) and Reading (9781782942399)!